Amichai had his Mesibat Chumash tonight. He is in an amazing kindergarten program called Mechinah and the kids learn to read during the first part of the year. By this time of the year, they are getting ready to venture into the next level of reading – reading the Chumash (the Torah). It is absolutely amazing to see how much they are learning and growing.
The kids sang a number of songs and then had some great activities including small music groups and a few art projects. At the end, they were given beautiful framed pictures of themselves reading from a Chumash and were handed their first Chumash.
(Here they are singing their hearts out!)
Matan dropped in for a few minutes to tell us something (no siblings were allowed to come since it would add over 150 extra participants!). Matan had the same teacher in Mechinah when he was in the program 6 years ago. I was struck by how quickly time is moving when Matan went to say hi to the teacher and came up to her shoulder. And here Amichai is, in the same class Matan was in so many years ago.
May Amichai only know the sweet melodies of the Chumash his whole life and may the enthusiasm that he has for learning and the zest he has for life continue as he grows and learns each year.