overcoming challenges, working mom, writing

My New Baby…Sort Of

My Crave was a new blog!

As you opened the page just now you may have found yourself saying, “Wait a minute! This doesn’t look like Romi’s blog!” And indeed, you would be right.

I’ve been annoyed with Blogger for ages, and finally decided to do something about it. I was extremely apprehensive, however, to take a chance with 13 years of work and to potentially erase everything if I goofed in moving over from Blogger to WordPress. I wrestled with the idea of hiring someone to make the transition for me and even opened a Fiverr account. But in the end I said to myself, “Romi, you can do this. You really can.” As back-up, I asked my IT friend at work to follow along and to be available for those moments of AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!”

And now, here we are. I’m proud of myself for moving beyond my technology-fearing box and deciding to take the leap.

I present my blog powered by WordPress. This is the third incarnation of what started as ‘our’ blog.  At the beginning, it was really just a series of emails we sent to our family and friends in the early days of our Aliyah. Then, after a few years, I moved it to a formal ‘blog’ hosted by Blogger and now, here we are! I feel like I’m presenting another baby. Well, sort of. There have been some late nights, and plenty of swearing, and now I have a cute new product. But it certainly wasn’t as much work as having a baby or as painful (thankfully).

I’d love your feedback, but be gentle. A girl can only learn so many new things each day. If you see bugs or issues, let me know. If you hate the look – well – keep that to yourself.

We are on this journey together and I’m very excited to update my look and to continue sharing with you all of the trials and tribulations of life in Israel with six (7 with Josh) crazy guys, and, of course, of my latest reading finds and travel adventures. : )


2 thoughts on “My New Baby…Sort Of

  1. I loved blogging with WordPress from the very beginning! Enjoy this new experience, I am really happy for you. משנה מקום משנה מזל!

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