Aliyah, cultural differences, immigrants, Israel, Israeli kids, Israeli life

Why the Newspaper Gives me Goose Bumps

I love that, 17 years later, there are still things that surprise me about our Aliyah; things that still give me goose bumps. I run a lot of errands on Friday mornings, getting our delicious baked goods from Pat Ba’Melach (and chatting with friends and staff), checking the mail (often the only time all week!),… Read More Why the Newspaper Gives me Goose Bumps

Aliyah, parenthood, parenting, raising boys, raising teenagers, teenagers

Filling Those Basketball Bellies…and our Hearts

“Mommy, we’re on our way back from Jerusalem. Can we come home with the team for dinner?” “The team? The whole team? At 11 at night?” This was my conversation with my oldest son three years ago. He had just started high school at a boarding school 45 minutes south of our house. When the… Read More Filling Those Basketball Bellies…and our Hearts